Tools for Calling LaTeX from Python.


class magic_call.latex.Caller(commands=())[source]§

The order of commands matters!

The “best” chain is not the one with the fewest stages, but the one that needs to go least far in the list of commands.

Explicit tool chain can be specified: ps.pdf.png, dvi.png

TODO: How to decide between pdf.svg and dvi.svg?

See also

example notebook

call_standalone(source, formats=None, files=None, tikz=False, blocking=True)[source]§
call_tikzpicture(source, formats=None, files=None, blocking=True)[source]§

Hook function called by IPython.

The extension can be loaded via %load_ext magic_call.latex or it can be configured to be autoloaded by IPython at startup time.